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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Work Experience


SEL is committed to providing work experience and student placements because we believe they are valuable opportunities for people to gain positive experiences that help them find jobs and start careers. 

We focus on offering these chances to young people connected to the City of Greater Dandenong. We carefully review all placement applications to see if we have openings, enough space, and can provide the supervision needed.

During your placement, you’ll work closely with a mentor who has a lot of knowledge and experience. Our team will support you, and you’ll have access to our network of employees to ensure you succeed.

If you’re interested in trying out different roles in the community and beginning your career, please fill out our work experience interest form.

For more information, contact our People and Culture Team at peopleandculture@southeastleisure.com.au.

** Unfortunately, we can’t accept work experience applications from people under 15 years old.

Work Experience Testimonials

Summer - Year 10

Summer completed work experience at South East Leisure and gained insights
across our four facilities, Dandenong Oasis, Springers Leisure Centre, Dandenong
Stadium and Noble Park Aquatic Centre.

<---- Click here to read more about Summer's experience!